World Ostomy Day – 2 October 2021

This Saturday, the 2nd of October it will be World Ostomy Day, which is held every 3 years. We will use this occasion to raise stoma awareness in the UAE.
This year’s motto is: “Ostomates’ Rights are Human Rights – anytime and anywhere!”

We will kick off on Saturday with a series of social media posts over the course of 2 weeks, ending with a great webinar including local and international speakers.
Check out personal experiences from members, news, exciting announcements and new developments on our brand new social media profiles which will be launched this Saturday.
Furthermore, a dedicated area about living with a stoma will be added to our website the coming week.

We invite you to be a part of raising stoma awareness in the UAE!
Do you like to share your story related to having a stoma bag? Contact us at:

Keep an eye on our website for the latest updates about the social media launch, webinar details and more!